The Green Software Foundation has been building the methods, tools, standards, and patterns to help both developers and operational engineers embed green software practices. To help organizations use and embed these tools, we are also developing a framework to empower changemakers at organizations. Not only does this project promote more sustainable IT practices, but it also helps businesses save money by lowering their need for carbon offsets.
The framework will consider the implementation of green software approaches from both top down (organisation strategy) and bottom up (DevOps community).
Further information
One key tool in this initiative is the Green Software Maturity Matrix: this project helps organizations assess their current green practices and map out steps towards enhanced sustainability.
The overall goal of this project is to create a decision-tree-based framework that organizations can use to incorporate green software tools, standards, and principles into their operations. This framework will guide them to make informed choices that align with their sustainability targets and help embed a culture of green IT decisions across all levels of the organization.
By the end of 2024, the project will boost the adoption of these green practices. This ongoing effort will include continuous feedback and updates to ensure the framework remains effective and relevant.
This project is governed by the Standards Working Group